MOORHEAD, Minn. (KFGO-AM) - A pickup involved in the now-famous police chase across a south Moorhead, Minn. golf course was stolen from a relative of the suspect in Grand Forks, ND.
The truck belongs to Roy Feist, an uncle of 33-year-old Kendall Feist, was arrested later the same night at West Acres Shopping Center. Clay County, Minn. prosecutors seized the pickup, which is now involved in forfeiture proceedings.
Roy Feist's attorney, William Kirschner of Fargo, is in a court battle to have his client's truck returned. “My client and the bank are innocent owners of the vehicle” according to Kirschner. “Clay County is not entitled to this vehicle. Under the law, both my client and the bank are protected” Kirschner said. “From pulling guns in the mall to chasing people over golf courses, you gotta wonder.”
Clay county attorney Brian Melton says because the truck was used to flee, state law requires a hearing to be held within 96 hours. Melton says if it's determined that Roy Feist is an innocent victim of theft, the truck will likely be returned.