FARGO (KFGO-AM) Chicago consultant Tom Hazinski told the Fargodome Authority and Fargo city leaders that his analysis shows a proposed new convention center is economically feasible.
He examined two possible sites. One would be a proposed $56-million dome addition of exhibition, banquet and meeting space connected to the Dome. The other would be downtown. The economic impact from either plan is about the same. It would cost more to operate a downtown location. The cost of construction downtown is uncertain because it's not known where it would be built.
Haszinki's study suggests borrowing $19 million from the Fargodome's surplus fund and a combination of hotel, car rental, alcohol, food and lodging taxes to pay for the project. The findings will be examined and the Dome Authority could make a recommendation later this month. A final decision on whether to proceed will be up to City Commissioners.