WASHINGTON (AP) - The House has overwhelmingly passed a bill authorizing the Keystone XL oil pipeline despite a veto threat from the White House.
The bill passed Friday on a 266-153 vote, one of the first pieces of legislation considered by the Republican-controlled Congress. It was the 10th vote the House had taken since July 2011 to advance the $7 billion project, which would carry oil from Canada to Gulf Coast refineries.
The Senate has a test vote on Monday with enough support to pass an identical bill.
Hours before the House vote, Nebraska's highest court tossed out a lawsuit challenging the pipeline's route, an obstacle the White House said it needed removed to make a decision on the project. The White House veto threat was based partly on the outstanding Nebraska case.
Keystone XL is scheduled to accept crude not only from Canada's Alberta tar sands but also Bakken crude.