ST. PAUL (KFGO-AM) -- The Minnesota DNR, in a draft analysis, has rejected further study of upstream storage areas such as wetlands and reservoirs to lessen the impact of the Red River Diversion project.
The review, part of Minnesota's environmental impact study of the $2 billion dollar project, says the "distributive storage alternative" does not meet the project's purpose and is not a feasible or practical alternative to the diversion.
The preliminary report, forwarded to the diversion project managers, technical staff and city leaders, says approximately 96 water impoundment sites would be needed to reach the desired goal of reducing flood water flow. The DNR says it would be "challenging" for the diversion authority or the Army Corps of Engineers to work with property owners across the Red River Basin to find this number of storage sites within a reasonable amount of time.
The report notes that since the 1997 spring flood, only three such water impoundment projects have been completed north of Halstad, Minn.