Bismarck, N.D. (AP) Gov. Jack Dalrymple says value-added energy business is the future of North Dakota's economy.
Dalrymple and North Dakota's congressional delegation spoke Tuesday at the eighth annual Great Plains and Empower North Dakota Energy Conference at Bismarck State College. The conference features energy policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and industry leaders.
Dalrymple pointed to a proposed $4 billion factory that would convert ethane from natural gas into a material used for plastics. He also pointed to a proposed $3 billion Spiritwood plant that would convert natural gas into fertilizer.
About one-third of the natural gas produced in North Dakota is burned off due to a lack of infrastructure. Dalrymple says that's a problem but steps are being taken to reduce flaring. U.S. Rep. Kevin Cramer says North Dakota businesses have responded to the challenge.