Fargo (KFGO-AM) -- Some people heading to Frisco, Texas for the FCS title game between NDSU and Towson University were forced to change their travel plans Wed. afternoon when an American Airlines flight was cancelled. American cited weather conditions in chicago for the cancellation of the 5:45pm flight from Fargo. Some travelers decided to drive to Minneapolis to board another flight while others were hoping to catch another plane from Fargo that would get them to Texas in time for Saturday's championship game.
DEPARTURESHECTOR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - FARGO, NDArrivals | Departures | Flight Map | Fargo WeatherAirline Flt. No. To Scheduled Remarks Gate3765 Chicago - ORD 11:50am Departed 32871 Dallas - DFW 3:25pm Departed 34447 Minneapolis 3:43pm ETD 4:10pm 25262 Denver 5:36pm On Time 53146 Chicago - ORD 5:45pm Cancelled 3137 Phoenix - Mesa 7:34pm On Time 36318 Denver 8:18pm On Time 5